Any brand strategy that doesn’t address color consistency is a strategy doomed to fail. Not only is color the very first thing consumers notice about any brand, if used consistently across all channels of communication it can make all the difference between a sale or no sale. Not yet convinced? Read on to discover why color consistency is crucial for any brand that wants to play in the big league.
Predictability is a good thing
Imagine you just met someone at a party. Clean-shaven and dressed in an expensive business suit, they made such a great first impression on you that you invited them over for dinner at your place the next week. They happily oblige … only to show up wearing scruffy jeans and a very loud Hawaiian shirt. Now be honest: would you still gladly let that person into your home? It’s the same with brands and consumers. If brands send out mixed signals, e.g. never using the same colors or promoting plain and serious product packaging with silly advertisements, consumers find it hard to nail down exactly what the brand is all about and get the feeling it simply can’t be trusted.
Recognition creates trust
So, what’s in a brand name? Not much if it isn’t tied to a set of recurring and distinctive features. No matter how great a brand may be product-wise, ultimately it’s brand recognition that creates trust – “Is this milk the same brand as that delicious yoghurt I bought the other week? Better not risk it and just buy the milk I’m used to.”
How brands achieve color consistency
Color inconsistency across the supply chain is a major pitfall for brands who don’t have color management workflow in place. Without it, there is no way of knowing all stakeholders are using the same color at all times, and predicting how the color will react to different substrates becomes virtually impossible. Learn more about Color Engine. Inspired by Venveo