Tricks of the Trade

A recent Shopify survey revealed that sixty-one percent of online shoppers felt that branded, gift-like packaging makes a brand seem more upscale, proving that premium packaging plays a vital role in retail marketing by improving brand perception. Ask any retailer, and they will tell you: “Dull is the enemy of commerce”, and here at noissue, we want your business to be anything but dull and conventional. So we have compiled our top tips and tricks to use custom wrapping paper to not only boost your sales, but also create visual interest in a cost-effective way!

Branding, Branding, Branding

Your customized wrapping represents you, and who your business is. Think outside the box (so to speak), and use wrapping that is not only your own signature style, but that truly represents what your business stands for. Name and style recognition is what we all strive for when it comes to marketing and branding, well thought out packaging and custom printed paper is part of that.

Simple and Straightforward

Choose your packaging carefully – We’re talking design, color and making sure the customized wrapping links to your products. Practicality plays a part here too, no one wants white soap sweating on dark customized tissue paper!

Be Different

Ever heard the phrase “You will never influence the world by being just like it”? The same can be said for your packaging. In order to stand out, your custom tissue paper needs to be different. Think color, format, and language to create an appealing yet distinctive packaging design.

Keep it Current

The retail market is forever changing, and your packaging should be changing with it. Just because your products stay the same doesn’t mean your packaging has to. Packaging provides a great platform to get creative and keep your brand fresh. Think about using relevant hashtags or featuring promotions in order to boost your message.

Do Your Research

Last, but certainly not least, don’t forget that in order to set yourself apart, you need to understand both the market you are up against, and your target audience. Take the time to find out what your competitors are doing, and consider how you could do it differently. It can be a challenge for small businesses and independent retailers coming up against big-box retailers out there. But by taking your unique products and packaging them in a unique way using customized wrapping paper, you immediately increase your chances of success.