TRAILBLAZING WOMEN PRINTMAKERS: Virginia Lee Burton Demetrios and the Folly Cove Designers by Elena M. Sarni

The world of printmaking has often been dominated by male artists, but a new book, “Trailblazing Women Printmakers: Virginia Lee Burton Demetrios and the Folly Cove Designers,”  promises to shed light on the remarkable contributions of a group of talented women who defied convention and made their mark in the world of printmaking. This book not only showcases their incredible works but also brings into focus the pivotal role of WindowsWear, a platform dedicated to fashion, technology, and retail displays, in contributing images that enrich the narrative.

The Folly Cove Designers were a group of women who came together in the scenic Folly Cove area of Massachusetts in the 1940s. Led by Demetrios, this talented collective of artists created exquisite designs and hand-printed them on fabric. The designs would go on to capture the imagination of many. Their contributions to the world of printmaking are significant, not only for their creative process but also for challenging the gender norms of their time.

The Book: A Celebration of Artistry and Resilience

“Trailblazing Women Printmakers” is a testament to the indomitable spirit of these women. The book, authored by Elena M. Sarni, delves into the lives and artistic journeys of Virginia Lee Burton Demetrios and her fellow Folly Cove Designers. It showcases their intricate prints, fabric designs, and the innovative techniques they employed to create their masterpieces.

The book takes readers on a visual journey through the vibrant world of printmaking, offering a rare glimpse into the studios where these women worked their magic. It also provides insight into the challenges they faced as women pursuing art in a male-dominated industry and the perseverance that drove them to succeed.

WindowsWear: A Valuable Contribution

An exciting aspect of “Trailblazing Women Printmakers” is the involvement of WindowsWear, a renowned platform dedicated to documenting and celebrating fashion and retail window displays. WindowsWear has contributed a collection of images that complement the narrative of the book. The window display photographs of the legendary department store Lord & Taylor show readers The Folly Cover Designers’ original work front and center.

“Trailblazing Women Printmakers: Virginia Lee Burton Demetrios and the Folly Cove Designers” is a tribute to the resilience, creativity, and pioneering spirit of a group of women who left an indelible mark on the world of printmaking. Through their remarkable work and the images contributed by WindowsWear, this book not only celebrates their artistic achievements but also highlights the enduring power of women in the arts. It serves as an inspiration to all those who continue to challenge stereotypes and blaze their own trails in the world of creativity.

About the Author:

ELENA M. SARNI is a humanities-based scholar, writer, and curator. She holds a BA in English and an MA in History and Museum Studies from the University of New Hampshire.

“Trailblazing Women Printmakers: Virginia Lee Burton Demetrios and the Folly Cove Designers”—featuring WindowsWear photos—is available now wherever books and ebooks are sold.