Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality, what are the opportunities and barriers for Retail Technology investments?Getty
When consumers started using smartphones – start the clock at June 29, 2007 with the iPhone’s first launch – one of the first places they tried to take it was shopping. Such is the saga of retailers’ existence, that ever since the consumerization of technology, the retail industry has found itself dragged, kicking and screaming, onto the front lines of technology adoption. Where retail used to be an industry focused exclusively on products and how those products enabled or responded to consumer tastes, now retail is made – and broken – by technology adoption and their own ability to adapt to how consumers want to engage.
So how does augmented reality play into this 21st century trend? Are consumers adopting AR and VR at the same unprecedented pace? And is their expectation that they should be able to bring it shopping – and soon?
Answering that questions requires exploring everything from consumer adoption to retailer plans, to the opportunities and barriers that will make – or break – AR in retail. Let’s explore.
Level Setting: Vocabulary
First, it’s important to level set on vocabulary. AR = augmented reality. VR = virtual reality. What is the difference? Augmented reality overlays digital onto the physical world. Virtual reality blocks out “reality” entirely, creating an entirely digital immersive space. Just to complete the vocabulary, some have started using “XR” or Mixed Reality, as an attempt to bridge the two – something that refers to both AR and VR.
Some people argue that AR and VR are simply degrees of the same capability – it just depends on how much “reality” you let in (a lot if it’s AR and none if it’s VR). In retail, that may not turn out to be the case – AR and VR may need to be considered two distinct things, at least for the foreseeable future. We’ll explore that more below. And regardless of the vision for the future, the two are still currently separated by form factor – anyone with a mobile phone can use AR. But specialized (and expensive, depending on your preferences) equipment is required in order to experience VR.
I’ll use Mixed Reality, or XR, from here on out when referring to both, just to save on having to type everything out, but will specify AR when I mean exclusively Augmented, and VR when I mean exclusively Virtual.
Just the fact that I had to spend three paragraphs explaining the nuances of XR-related vocabulary before being able to discuss any of it should be considered an early indicator that this space, both as it applies to retail and in general, is still pretty immature.
In The Retail Tech Dance, Consumers Lead
Whether it happened slow or fast, as soon as technology moved from something that you (maybe) used at work into something that became a part of your everyday life, it became something retailers had to worry about. Personal computers, the internet, mobile phones, social media – most of the 21st century of retail has been defined by consumer adoption of technology that, of necessity, had to be followed by retailer adoption of technology. In fact, half the problem with digital channels is that it incorporates the same average rate of consumer growth in spending, just across more and more touchpoints. Retailers have had to cover more channels just to capture the same relative amount of sales. In a thin-margin industry, that’s a tough cost to bear.
So, with XR, does that mean retailers are going to have to add (yet another) new channel for interacting with consumers? Probably, but not in the immediate future.
If you look at consumer adoption of either AR or VR, it’s small. I was surprised to find that only about one-third of US consumers report having used a mobile AR app of some kind, despite anywhere from 87% of US consumer adoption to numbers even higher (it depends on whether you measure it per capita or by household). But even when you count Snapchat (with its filters) or Pokémon Go, the numbers come out about the same. Pokémon Go has been downloaded about 640 million times, and has the unique distinction of being a very global game – only 16% of downloads come from the US market – or about 1/3 of the US population. Numbers from 2018 show about the same for Snapchat – 30.6% penetration among US adults (18 or older).
With numbers like that, it’s not surprising that companies like Microsoft can be quoted as saying they are looking at AR penetration of the consumer market as something to be measured in years – it’s a long way off.
The warning for retailers is that consumers want it, and they want to shop with it. One study found that while only 10% of US consumers said they have used AR or VR while shopping in 2018, another 45% said they would like to try it. And in the same study 30% said they thought they would never visit a clothing store again if the technology could help them shop clothing fit with confidence.
Retailers have already started anticipating this net-new touchpoint. ABI Research forecasts that by 2022, over 120,000 stores will be using AR globally, and that the technology stands to influence as much as 3% of eCommerce revenue by 2020 – that would be in a year or less.
AR is for Stores; VR is for eCommerce – Eventually
It’s interesting that ABI Research mentions the store specifically, because it’s the store that makes XR uniquely different for retail. The store, by its very nature, is a physical location.
Consumers might come to a store for a VR experience, but outside of the expense of VR equipment (especially the kind that delivers a full VR immersive experiences), that promises to be only a novelty solution in stores in the short term. As the price of the hardware falls, consumers will increasingly be able to afford those experiences in their own homes. Why would you go to a store just to completely shut out the store environment?
Thus, it only makes sense to cast the opportunity for XR in stores as almost purely an AR-driven opportunity. Consumers might come to stores for the novelty of a fully immersive VR experience today, but they won’t do that forever. Stores are all about the physical, and that’s where AR shines, in layering digital on top of a physical setting. Additionally, people coming to a store are usually doing so for something specific – even if that turns out to be as vague as “learn about the products”. Which means AR in the store is most likely going to be about assisting with the shopper journey.
Conversely, VR seems best positioned for eCommerce shopping. There are a few exceptions – right now, AR, delivered via a mobile app, is being used in furniture, beauty, and fashion. Furniture’s use case is to position that couch in your own living room so that you can visualize what it will look like. Beauty is to virtually try on products, and fashion is to virtually try on clothes – a digital overlay on the physicality of a consumer’s body.
Right now, in fashion that can turn out to be clunky. Unless you’re wearing a skin-tight motion-capture suit, most try-on experiences are only approximations because the algorithm is trying to fit the new item over your existing clothes. It doesn’t exactly give you the full-on fit experience.
Virtual reality can solve that, by showing a figure with your dimensions, which you could walk around to get the full view of the fit.
Barriers to Adoption
You need two parties to make XR work: someone to make the content and someone to consume it. Right now, those are both barriers to adoption.
Consumers are barriers because the awareness of XR in retail is low. More needs to be done to standardize especially how AR opportunities are shown to consumers in the first place, much like the WiFi symbol is now ubiquitous. Without something to spur awareness, consumers will never know that rich digital experiences are available just under the surface.
Retailers are barriers because the business case for XR is relatively unknown. Yes, AR can help with clothing fit and furniture sizing, but when only 10% of consumers have tried it, the impact may still not be enough to justify continued investment. Part of the problem is that XR is new territory when it comes to consumer behavior, and how that behavior can be influenced. That means, new measures are needed before ROI can truly be calculated. Yes, it’s easy to demand that ROI be measured in terms of sales – the window through which retailers tend to view all investments – but that would be ignoring lots of other potential opportunities to move the needle with consumers.
The Bottom Line
There are a lot of potential use cases for XR in Retail. And consumers are willing. How retailers will get there, though, may be a long and winding road. That road will have to move through the peaks of opportunities – very different opportunities for stores vs. eCommerce, but fun and fascinating opportunities nonetheless – and valleys of consumer habits, disillusionment, or apathy, along with retailer skepticism and resistance to yet another engagement channel for reaching consumers.
Will we get to destination XR in retail? Yes. But probably not in any of the ways we expect.