Go Fast Don't Die x Kickfurther
Go Fast Don't Die raised $19,977 on Kickfurther in 1 minute!
Go Fast Don’t Die is a brand that represents a lifestyle of risk, hustle and the pursuit of destroyed limits. It began as a one-liner between friends and family on motorcycle runs and trips. Instead of saying “Be safe. Wear your helmet,” like your mom would say… our mom said “Go Fast, Don’t Die.” And so, we did. After the saying caught on, and GFDD tattoos started showing up amongst the crew, we decided we need the mantra on a T-Shirt. Go Fast Don’t Die is for the crowd that pulls a little more from that throttle after the assessment of risk says to back it off. It’s for those who look at the map and see more than where they are but where they could be tomorrow. Go Fast Don’t Die is for those who see the danger, see the risk and see nothing in comparison to the potential of the reward. To those who hold dear that pursuit of the thrill, the best times with friends old and new and the complete lack of a safe alternative… you found the right brand. Go Fast, Don’t Die.