The pop-ups, which in Asia have appeared in Chengdu, Seoul and Hong Kong, are “imagined as theme parks dedicated to N°5, immerse people in a world which mixes the black and white identity of N°5 and the bright colours of pop culture,” the company explained in a statement. “The experience is intended to be entertaining and offers a journey around the 17 products. In a factory setting, the public follows the product through the various production line workstations and ends its journey with a visit to the factory store where they can watch playful, offbeat demonstrations.”
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At one end of the room, two men in identical lab coats and glasses monitor the Chanel Factory 5 production line – a much brighter and better-looking version of Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, one might say.
Chanel Factory 5 certainly leaves one “curiouser and curiouser”, especially when it comes to the limited edition beauty collection.
See also: “Gabrielle Chanel, Fashion Manifesto” Exhibition: An Exclusive Look Inside