It’s been six months and I’m still the new guy… the “tech guy” who still can’t operate our coffee machine or transfer a call without dropping it, and thus, deservedly, the butt of all office jokes here at Newel Props. I have met very few of you in person, although I’ve spent a good part of this first half-year learning about you, the challenges of being a set decorator, stylist, interior designer, photographer or stager.
As CTO, my mission is to ensure that our online brand (and everything connected to it visually & technically) is about YOU. This means making our 65,000 sq ft of inventory easy to search from your phone. It means making sure that both our website and back-end infrastructure evolve with your expectations and needs. One project I was really excited to spearhead early on was the creation of our company blog, which I’d love to see evolve into another real connection and line of communication between you and all of us here. I look forward to what’s in the pipeline in both the short and long-term; Newel Props is here to make renting easy and personal, and it’s going to get a lot more of both!
— Casey Choron, Chief Technology Officer