A new inquiry has been launched to find ways of revitalising Cornwall’s town centres.
Cornwall Council held the first session of its Vitality of Towns inquiry this week with a panel of councillors set up to carry out the work.
The panel will hear from a number of expert witnesses and examine evidence before writing a report which will recommend what the council could do to help support the high street.
Glenn Caplin, the council’s strategic director for economic growth, opened the inquiry this month by giving some background on the issue.
Speaking after the event he said: “There has been a decline in the high street with vacant shops – we can see that on every high street in Cornwall .
“This inquiry is looking at what can Cornwall Council do in terms of policy in order to revitalise high streets and we will be looking at a number of different things.”
Mr Caplin, who is also chief executive of the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), said the inquiry discussed technology and the impact it has had on high streets and the opportunities it offers as well.
This included 4G and 5G mobile coverage, whether wifi should be offered in towns and the use of augmented reality.
St Austell town centre is one area which will be looked at for improvements (Image: Gary Rogers/use under Creative Commons licence)
The inquiry will also be looking at different ways that town centres can be used – providing homes and workspace as well as retail.
And councillors will also consider what funding opportunities are available for any projects.
Mr Caplin said: “We are in an interesting time. If and when we exit the EU the framework for how we invest economic development funding will alter.
“In the past EU funding has been great for Cornwall but it’s also quite restrictive in that it can’t be spent on housing or retail – things that will benefit the high street.”
The inquiry will also be looking at what cultural activities could be provided in town centres and how that could help.
Mr Caplin said: “We do have something to offer with this culture led USPs (unique selling points) in town centres and we have a really strong independent retail sector in some towns like Truro.”
But the council officer said that there was disappointment that the government’s recent stronger towns fund did not allocate more money to the south west – just £33million was given compared to the £281m given to the north west.
He said: “It is a real disappointment that an urban focus to that funding means we are not getting anywhere near the investment that we need.”
Mr Caplin said that the council and the LEP had been talking to MPs to ensure that more support is provided to rural towns.
The inquiry is set to have its second day on April 1 when it will look at business rates and parking as well as heritage, culture and events.