On Wednesday, April 17th, WindowsWear embarked on a dazzling exploration of New York City’s iconic fashion scene with the Association of Image Consultants International. The tour featured seasoned image consultants from across the world who were in New York City for their annual trip. This exclusive journey offered participants a unique opportunity to enhance their knowledge and influence in the fashion industry and featured experiences at Calvin Klein, Saks Fifth Avenue, Tiffany & Co., Valentino, and LIM College’s annual fashion show.
Dominic Martino, Visual Director North America, Calvin Klein.
Connor Matz, Visual Director of Windows and Interiors, Saks Fifth Avenue.
Daryll Heysham, Ambassador/Museum Guide, Tiffany & Co.
Sarah Cox and Stephan Linton of Valentino at Saks Fifth Avenue.
Magda Urbinelli and Emanuel Udrija of La Prairie at Saks Fifth Avenue.
LIM College’s 79th Annual Fashion Show at The Glasshouse (more pictures of the fashion show can be found here, credits to Getty Images).
Learn more about WindowsWear’s group tours & experiences.