3 graphic design trends that captivate packaging designers in 2018

Now that we’re midway through 2018, this is the perfect moment to look back on the graphic design trends that have taken center stage on the packaging scene so far. The verdict? 2018 is all about taking risks!

1.    Who cares about brand colors?

There’s no questioning the importance of brand colors. They help consumers to recognize brands always and everywhere (even when they’re visiting a country that uses a completely different alphabet), and it’s a well-known fact that recognition creates trust. However, 2018 sees brand color schemes become less consistent – especially in rebranding contexts. Famous brands like Dropbox and Spotify have already opted to stick with their logo design while ditching their old color palette in favor of multiple brand color schemes. A smart move? Only time can tell.

2.    Soft yet powerful color gradients

A graphic design trend everyone seems to love to hate, gradients made a comeback in 2017 and have been causing a stir this year as well. If merely reading the term ‘color gradient’ makes you think of the bad Microsoft Word Art creations you were embarrassingly proud of back in the early 2000s, you can rest assured you’re not alone. Today’s color gradients, however, are on a whole different level. Just check out these cool gradients on packaging designs! colour trends 2018

3.    Fonts: big, bold and with a personal touch

‘Simple does it’ no longer applies to fonts in 2018. While mostly used for social media graphics – anything to stand out from the crowd, right? – big and bold (and often handwritten) fonts have been finding their way to packaging designers’ hearts, too. Looks like minimalist packaging design may be losing ground. Don’t believe us? The Dieline compiled a list of interesting examples for your inspiration! graphic design trends 2018   Inspired by Venngage